Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award 3! | TheSisterhoodInvasion?!

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I was tagged by YA Book Space to do yup, you guessed it, the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! 

You know the drill! 
The Rules:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you 
  • Put the logo on your blog post
  • Answer the questions sent to you
  • Make up ten new questions (perhaps this time I WILL remember to do that)
  • Nominate other bloggers who you think are deserving and eligible!
  • Link back to your post on theirs!

1. What is your favourite standalone novel?

Ooh, I have so many! I much prefer standalones anyway because there is not need for commitment if you didn't like it! 

However, I think I'll go for Paper Towns by John Green 

2. Do you prefer physical books or eBooks?

Physical. Forever. And. Always. Obviously the content is the same but I've never had the nice reading experience when using an eReader! 

3. Where do you buy your books from?

Charity shops, jumble sales and the library. My library relies on public donations and one way of getting these is by selling books 3 for a £1 which have been donated by the public.

4. How many books do you own? 

Still too many.

5. If you could write a book, what would it be called?

I'm currently writing a book and the working title is 12Things We Have In Common, but I'm not considering publishing it.

6. What hyped book did you not like and why?

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg. My review is here

7. Name a popular book you haven't read but everyone else has

Up until very recently, Twilight (But it got to the point where I was so embarrassed that I just hadn't picked it up, that I did). I haven't read the Hobbit, or the Chronicles of Narnia or the Lord of the Rings. Why? No idea.

8. Are there any book to movie adaptations where you preferred the movie? 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Simply because it could out the ads-ons.

9. Tell me a book that you love but not many people seem to know about

Lottie Biggs Is Not Mad by Hayley Long. It is a great book about mental health which has humour that is well incorporated.

10. What are your top 3 favourite series?

     1. Harry Potter (J.K Rowling)
     2. Georgia Nicholson (Louise Rennison)
     3. Ask Amy Green - (Sarah Webb)

The questions for my nominees are:
  • Do you read poetry?
  • Favourite ink colour?
  • If you could blog about something different to what you do blog about, what topic would it be?
  • Is there a book that you hate and everyone else seems to love?
  • Have you ever read in public? 
  • Favourite quote?
  • Do you have any bad reading habits? 
  • Where do you primarily obtain your books from?
  • Do you wish you would read more classics?
  • Which parts of your lifestyle have changed since you started blogging?

My Nominees:

  • Ink Stains and Books
And as always, if you wish to do the award, feel free to! 

If you have any thoughts on my answers, please let me know in the comments! What were your answers?

////////// Quote of the post //////////

"I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison


I solemnly swear that I will reply to all comments!